Barefoot, James
Date: October 20, 2002 09:11AM
James Barefoot, late of St. Clair Township, Bedford County, PA--Notice in Partition Leaves a widow, Mary, and 12 children, to wit: Elizabeth, wife of Solomon Hammers, of Somerset County, PA; Sarah, wife of Frederick Renninger, of Somerset County, PA; Isabella, wife of James Taylor; James; Mary, wife of Alexander Stanton, of Somerset County, PA; Margaret, wife of John P. Bowers; Samuel; Job, of Blair County, PA; Charlotte; and George.(Source: Bedford Gazette, 1 June 1844) Originally said 1855, but James died in 1844 Missing Rebecca and William
Mother of the Barefoot Clan - Mary or Polly Sleek/Slick Barefoot
Owner of the photo - Sylvia Hott Sonneborn, given to me by my
mother Elizabeth Krise Hott, retained by her mother Ella Hammer
Krise. We are descendants of Elizabeth (Barefoot) Hammer and
her husband Solomon Nunemaker Hammer. Mary is Elizabeth's
In her younger days she was the doctor for the Pleasantville neighborhood. She was considered at that day by our best physicians to be a woman of great knowledge and skill among the sick. The record that she kept shows that she was called to see the sick over 500 times. Her mind was clear and active until the last moment of her life, and she could remember her whole life from her childhood up to her death. Died 83 years, 9 months, 17 days. The funeral sermon was preached in the Reformed Church in Pleasantville, Bedford County, PA. by the Reverend E. F. Dickey of the Evangelical Church. It was one of the largest funerals that was ever in Pleasantville. When she died she had 298 descendants.
Taken from her obituary.
!Obituary in my possession.
Death of Mrs. Mary Barefoot, One of Bedford County's Oldest Inhabitants Mrs. Mary Barefoot was born in Frederick Co., Maryland,bOct. 11, 1791. died July 28, 1885. Age 93 years, 9 monthsband 17 days. She lived a faithful life and was a member ofbthe Evangelical Church. She died in the house that shebhelped to build sixty-eight years ago. She was the mother of twelve children, five sons and seven daughters, two ofbthem having preceded her to the other shore and she lived long enough to see the fifth generation of her descendants.
The number of her grand-children living is seventy-two,dead eighteen. Number great grand-children living, one hundred and sixty-five, dead, nineteen. Number of great-great grand-children living ten, dead, two.
Total number of descendants two hundred and ninety-eight, of whom two hundred and fifty-seven are living.
Mrs. Barefoot, in her younger days, was the Doctor for this neighborhood. When no Doctors were to be had within ten miles of this place she was called upon. She was considered at that day by our best physicians to be a woman of great knowledge and skill among the sick.
The record that she kept shows that she was called to see the sick over five hundred times; her mind was clear and active until the last moment of her life and she could remember her whole life from her childhood up to her death.
She was a grand old woman, and the full measure ofher life was rounded out to perfection.
The funeral sermon was preached in the Reformed church in Pleasantville by the Rev. E. F. Dickey, of the Evangelical church and assisted by the Rev. R. S. Stine of the M. E. church. It was one of the largest funerals that was ever in Pleasantville.
We extend our sympathy to the friends of one kind mother and friends.
0 Land of rest for thee I sigh:
When will the moment come.
When I shall lay my armor by
And dwell in peace at home. [Note - Capitalization retained from original newspaper article]
Obituary in the scrapbook of my grandmother Ella G. Hammer Krise
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