Thursday, September 17, 2009

So You Want to Join the D.A.R. or S.A.R. Here's How You Can.

SO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE S.A.R. OR D.A.R., Contributor Terry Gribble; lineage by Sylvia Coleman and Gary Mickle

Because of the controversy over the parentage of James Ross (erroneously said to be the son of Colonel George Ross, who did have a son named James), the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution have closed that line for new membership. All present members are not in jeopardy of losing their membership. But do not despair. Our proud and courageous Barefoot heritage will take us back to another brave volunteer in the Revolutionary War – Sgt. William Sleek. Sgt. Sleek/Slick is the father of Mary Sleek Barefoot, wife of James Barefoot.

Sgt. William Sleek was born in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, on November 10, 1754. the son of Philip and Rebecca Slick. He was first married to Barbara Winhuls by whom he had a daughter,Elizabeth. He then married Rebecca Mettler in 1788. Rebecca was bom in Frederick County, Maryland, in 1772.

Sergeant Slick's Military Career

Sgt. Sleek enlisted in 1776 and served for seven months as First Sergeant of the Maryland Flying Camp. At Fort Washington he was wounded in the leg by a British musket ball and taken prisoner. After three days of imprisonment, he was exchanged. In 1777 he re-enlisted for a period of three years and served in Valentine Creager's Company, Col. Joseph Wood's regiment, Maryland Continental Lines. At the close of the Revolution he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant. He was with General George Washington when he crossed the Delaware and fought in the battles of Trenton and Brandywine. He applied for a pension on August 31, 1832 and his claim was allowed.
[Pension records - S22992 - Revolutionary War Section, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C. Archives of Maryland Vol. 18, page 72 and S.A.R. National #33719.]

There supposedly was a portrait of William Sleek in Continental Uniform of a Lieutenant that hung in the home of Charles Easter, Bedford, Pennsylvania, who was one of William Sleek's descendants. Sylvia Colemana nd Gary Mickle tried to locate this portrait to have a copy for in their book but were unsuccessful.

Rebecca died in 1842 and William died April 7, 1844, both in St. Clair Township, Bedford County,Pennsylvania. We have been unable to locate where they are buried.

William Sleek and Rebecca Mettler were the parents of the following children:

A. Mary Sleek born October 11. 1791 married James Barefoot

B. Thomas Sleek died young

C. John Sleek died young

D. Jacob Sleek born 1795 married Susan Willis born 1809
1. Catherine Sleek - born 1830
2. Joanna Sleek - born 1832
3. Rebecca Sleek - born 1834
4. Abraham Sleek - bom 1840
5. Sarah Sleek - born 1841
6. Charlotte Sleek - born 1844
7. Jesse Sleek - born about 1842

E. William Sleek married to ____Jones, 1st wife, Rebecca McCormick, 2nd wife

F. Phillip Sleek born October 7, 1797 married to M. Mary Jones

G. Jesse Sleek born 1803 married to Charlotte Vickroy born 1803
1. Sarah L. Sleek - born 1827 married to Henry Baltzer born 1827
2. Mary Rebecca Sleek • born 1831 married to Jacob Dunlap, 1st husband,
David Yeager, 2nd husband
3. Harriet Amelia Sleek - born 1832 married Charles B. Ellsworth
4. Charles Vickroy Sleek - born 1833 married Ann Plough born 1838
5. Thomas Sleek - born 1835
6. Emily Matilda Sleek • born 1837 married William Dull born 1832
Ellen Catherine Sleek born 1840 married Henry Sleek. 1st husband
James Rodgers. 2nd husband
7. William Atlee Sleek - born 1842 married Mary Ellen Knee born 1851
8. Lavenia Caroline Sleek - born 1844 married John Reel born 1844

H. Samuel Sleek born 1808 -died January 29, 1873 married to Lillian Ann Lucas born 3/29/1873
1. Samuel L. Sleek - born 1827
2. Charles V. Sleek - born 1830 married Charlotte _
3. Rebecca Sleek - born 1833
4. Eve Sleek - born 1834 married Fred Berkhimer
5. Sarah Sleek - born 1836 married Amos Harbaugh
6. Joseph Sleek - born 1838 married Isabella___
7. Margaret Emily Sleek
8. Ann Elizabeth Sleek - born 1839
9. Thomas Mettler Sleek - born 1840
10. William S. Sleek - born 1842
11. Mary M. Sleek - born 1845 married Gordon Hammer
12. Harriet Sleek
13. Charlotte Amanda Sleek

I. Rebecca Sleek born 1810 (spinster)

J. Issac Sleek born 1811 - married Jemima Clark

K. David Sleek married to Nellie Mechler

L. James Mettler Sleek born about 1815-17 married to Mary R. Mcllwee

M. Catherine Sleek married to Jesse Willis

N. Sarah Sleek born 1820 married to Nicholas Easter

By Sylvia Coleman and Gary Mickle in Genealogy of James Barefoot, Sr., and Mary Sleek (Slick)To inquire about the availability of Barefoot books, contact Sylvia Coleman at

William Slick served in the military in 1776 in Revolutionary War. He appeared on the census in 1810 in St. Clair Twp., Bedford County, PA. He was a Justice of the Peace in 1830in St. Clair Twp., Bedford Co., PA.
David Slick Family by Alyce Madison.

If you are interested in joining the Sons or Daughters of the American Revolution using Sgt. William Sleek, Terry and Joyce Gribble have gathered this information, and it includes the following documents:

1. “Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War”
2. “Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files, Vol. III: N-Z”
3. An affidavit by John Ake that he was acquainted with William Slick of Bedford County and a Soldier of the Revolutionary War”
4. “Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions” document
5. Letter of Winifred Scott, Commissioner giving information about William slick and Revolutionary pension claim S. 32992”
6. Letter from A.D. Hiller, Executive Assistant to the Administrator, attesting to William slick’s Service and listing Certificate No. 11096, Issued March 25, 1833, Rate, $20.00 per annum, Commenced March 4, 1831, Act of June 7, 1822, Pennsylvania Agency.”

These documents will allow a person to apply for membership in the Sons or Daughters of the American Revolution.


  1. Note: James Ross married Ruth Robinson, and they are the parents of Rebecca (Ross) Barefoot. The son of Colonel George Ross married Anna Maria Sabina Kuhn. This James and Anna's family moved to Columbia, PA, and there is documented evidence of the children of this family that does not even include a daughter named Rebecca. We are not sure why our older family lines are so adamant that we are DIRECT DESCENDANTS of Col. George Ross. But we are not, but our James could be his younger brother. We DO NOT know the parentage of James Ross, but his father is not Col. George.

  2. I do not have copies of the documents that would allow a person to join the DAR or SAR through Sgt. William Slick. That information was given to me by Terry Gribble who was signing up his wife Joyce Gribble for the DAR. Terry died in 2010. I do not have access to these records.

  3. I just became a member of the DAR through William Slick! Along with my mom and two daughters, we joined together. It went through the first time which was terrific. Our lineage is: William Slick, Mary Slick Barefoot and James Barefoot, William Shurden Barefoot, James Alexander Barefoot, John Oscar Barefoot, William Robert Barefoot, my mom, Agnes Ann Barefoot Bushong Lohman, and me, Julie Bushong Reimann. I would love to submit for membership through James Ross as well; it would really honor his memory. I'm not sure if it's possible though.
