Monday, July 20, 2009


Compiled by Sharon Sheldon

Researchers will value the amount of time and research that has gone into this chronological history that Sharon Sheldon has put together for the descendants of the first known Barefoots in Pennsylvania. She and "cousin" Becky Barefoot have done research together in Berks, Chester, and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Counties to put this information together. If you can add to the timeline, please contact the owner of the blog. Thank you, Sharon, for allowing us to post this.

BAREFOOT TIMELINE - updated 2/6/98 Date and Event [Source] {Reliability Factor/ Comments}

1742 - Amity Twp., Berks Co. Thomas Barefoot born [Barefoot/Sleek Genealogy] {All information regarding the birthplace and year of Thomas Barefoot is from ORAL FAMILY HISTORY, reliability uncertain - NO DOCUMENTATION}

1744 - Philadelphia, Jemima Barefoot and Jeremiah Collins marry
[First Presby. Church Records] [Reliability high}

1740-45 - latest year Samuel & Jean (Palmer) Barefoot could have been born considering birthyear of Martha 1759. [Deductive reasoning (census age groupings also)] {Reliability fairly high.}

1758 - location unknown, Sarah Barefoot born [Journal of minister who baptized her (Rev. Illing)] {Information is likely to be accurate}

1759 - Union Twp., Berks Co., Samuel Barefoot on the tax lists [Tax records summary] {Reliability high}

1759 - Amity Twp., Berks Co., Martha Barefoot born “d/o Samuel and Jean/Jenny Barefoot” [St. Thomas Epis. Ch., register] {Information regarding birthdate is likely to be accurate}

1760 - Union Twp., Berks Co., Samuel Barefoot appears on the tax duplicate as married [Tax records summary] {Reliability high}

1763(ca) - location unknown, Thomas Barefoot and Elizabeth Wells married [Barefoot/Sleek Genealogy] {ORAL FAMILY HISTORY, reliability uncertain - NO DOCUMENTATION}

1764 - Chester Co., Benjamin Barefoot born [Barefoot/Sleek Genealogy] {ORAL FAMILY HISTORY, reliability uncertain - NO DOCUMENTATION}

ca 1765 - Mary Barefoot born, location unknown (information based on husband Peter Rochon, b. 1765 either in Montgomery Co. or Berks Co., PA) [A Rouchon-Roshon-Rochon Historical Sketch and Genealogy, by Howard G. Rochon, FHL #929.273/R73r] {Likelihood of accuracy is high. Author of this book wrote to J. Walter Barefoot in 1970 for information on this Mary Barefoot - Walter replied she was not of our line (I AM NOT SO SURE!)}

1768 - Amity Twp., Berks Co., John Barefoot, s/o Samuel and Jean/Jenny Barefoot born and baptised (sponsors, Michael & Anna Maria Hoffman) [St. Paul’s Lutheran and Reformed Ch., Parish Register transcription] {Likelihood of accuracy is high.}

1769 - West Nottingham Twp., Chester Co., James Barefoot on tax list [PA Archives 3rd Series Vol XI page 620] {Likelihood of accuracy is high.}

1768/9 - Lancaster Co., Rebecca Ross born [Personal Bible of Rebecca Ross (her handwriting appears to show 1768, which would be consistent with tombstone record showing her death 22-Jan-1853 at age 84 years, 1 month.] {Likelihood of accuracy is high.}

1776 - location unknown, Martha Barefoot d/o Sarah Barefoot and unknown father born (Believe this Martha to be “PATTY”) [St. Thomas Church’s History publication, Rev. Illing’s journal located in appendix of book] {Likelihood of accuracy is high.}

1777 - Thomas enlists in the 10th PA Regiment [PA Archives] {Likelihood of accuracy high.}

1778 - Amity Twp., Berks Co., Martha Barefoot “d/o Samuel and Jean/Jenny” Barefoot baptized [St. Gabriel’s Epis. Church, parish register transcription (aka Morlattin)] {Likelihood of accuracy SHOULD be high}

1778 -Thomas on roll of 10th PA Regiment [PA Archives 5th Series Vol III, pp 499, 517] {Likelihood of accuracy is high.}

1779 - Martha “PATTY” Barefoot becomes member of the Jacob Morgan household. [Wetherill interview, Patty states she was a member of the household at age 3] {Likelihood of accuracy is high.}

1781 - Thomas released from duty of 10th PA Regiment [PA Archives 5th Series Vol III, pp 568] {Likelihood of accuracy is high.}

1784 - location unknown, Thomas dies [Barefoot/Sleek Genealogy] {O.F.H. - no documentation to substantiate}

1784 - Amity Twp., Berks Co., Hanna Barfoot marries Jesse Williams (Rev. Wm. Boos) [Berks Co., PA Marriages, 1730-1800 Vol. 1] {Likelihood of accuracy is high.}

1785 - Coventry Twp., Chester Co., Samuel appears on tax list for the first time [PA Archives 3rd Series Vol XII p 707] {Likelihood of accuracy is high.}

1785 - Caernarvon Twp., Berks Co., Martha Barefoot d/o Sarah Barefoot baptised. JACOB & RACHEL MORGAN, Sponsors [St. Thomas Church History]{Likelihood of accuracy is high and this tidbit APPEARS TO STRENGTHEN THE MORGAN-BAREFOOT tie}

1785 - West Nantmell Twp., Chester Co., Benjamin Barefoot appears on tax list for the first time [PA Archives 3rd Series Vol XII p 765] {Likelihood of accuracy is high and it raises questions as to whether Samuel & Benjamin were the same age (born 1764 - maybe TWINS?) or whether they were SOMEWHERE ELSE until 1785, which is why they didn’t appear on the tax lists prior to this time...}

1787 - location unknown (assumption is Berks Co. at this point) Benjamin Barefoot marries Rebecca Ross [Bible of Rebecca Ross; entries regarding marriage] {Reliability high. No parish record to confirm this available at this time}

1788 - Chester Co., JAMES Barefoot ,s/o Benjamin and Rebecca (Ross) Barefoot is born [Date from Bible of Rebecca Ross; location is not proven] {Reliability high. No parish record to confirm this available at this time. OFH states James was so named in honor of James Ross, father of Rebecca.}

1790 - Coventry Twp., Chester Co., Samuel appears on census as Head of household which includes one male over 18 and 3 free, white females [Census Records] {Reliability high.}

1790 - Southwark Twp., Philadelphia Co., John Barford appears as Head of household for 1790 census, which includes 1 male under 16, 2 males over 16 and 1 female (age not given) [Census Records] {Questionable as to whether this is of our line.}

1791 - Lancaster Co., WILLIAM Barefoot, s/o Benjamin and Rebecca (Ross) Barefoot is born [Date from Bible of Rebecca Ross; location is not proven] {Reliability high. St. Gabriel’s parish records confirm birthdate. (actual church records show: “at St. Thomas Church, Morgantown)}

1792 - Caernarvon Twp., Berks Co., Sarah Barefoot, an ADULT baptised. [St. Thomas Church - history, Journal of Rev. Illing found in appendix of book, showing baptism occurred at Morlattin (St. Gabriel’s).] {Reliability high. Baptised at the age of 34, it is not known who she had sponsor her} (See 1758 Birth record)

1793 - location unknown, SAMUEL Barefoot s/o Benjamin and Rebecca (Ross) Barefoot is born [Date from Bible of Rebecca Ross] {Reliability high. St. Gabriel’s parish records confirm birthdate. (church records show: “at St. Thomas Church, Morgantown)}

1795 - location unknown, EZIBELLA d/o Benjamin and Rebecca is born [Date from Bible of Rebecca Ross] {Reliability high. St. Gabriel’s parish records confirm birthdate. (church records show: “at St. Thomas Church, Morgantown)}

1797 - Amity Twp., Berks Co., St. Gabriel’s Epis. Church, Wm., Sam’l and Ezibella Barefoot are baptised (no mention of James?) [Parish register transcription states they were of the “St. Thomas Church at Morgantown”] {Reliability high.}

1798 - location unknown, JOB PALMER Barefoot s/o Benjamin and Rebecca (Ross) Barefoot is born [Date from Bible of Rebecca Ross] {Reliability high, although there is no parish record to confirm}

1799 - East Nantmell Twp., Chester Co. , Samuel Barefoot, blacksmith has 15 acres, 1 stone smith house, 1 log house and 1 cow. [Tax records (per Pam Shenk, Tri-County heritage society, Morgantown PA)] {Reliability high.}

1800 - East Nantmell Twp., Chester Co., Samuel in Census; males (1) 10-16, (2) 16/26, (1)45 & up; females (1) 10-16, (1) 26-45, (1) 45 & up [Census Records] {Reliability high.}

1800 - Union Twp., Fayette Co., Benjamin appears on census ALONE; age 26-45 [Census Records] {Reliability high.}

1800 - Union Twp., Fayette Co., Benjamin swears out a warrant for the arrest of one Archibald Coone, who apparently damaged something belonging to Ben. Ben writes the judge a note in June 1800 stating that he and Archibald have settled their matter. [Fayette Co. Prothonotary records, furnished by Victoria Leonelli, hired researcher.] {Reliability high.}

1801 - East Nantmell Twp., Chester Co., Samuel has 1 log house, 1 shop, 11 acres and 2 cows [Tax records per Pam Shenk] {Reliability high.}

1801 - Lancaster Co., Cyrus Barefoot s/o Martha Barefoot and __ no father entered [Bangor Church - Rev. Thomas Barton (same minister as St. Thomas’)] {Reliability high, indicates perhaps baptism took place at Old John Evans’ farm. John Evans was a witness to the will of Jacob Morgan and a member of the vestry at St. Thomas’}

1809 - Rebecca Barefoot on payroll @ Joanna Furnace [Joanna Furnace ledger index as per Pam Shenk - Tri County Heritage Society Morgantown PA] {Reliability high.} (Since Joanna Furnace had a kitchen and a day and night shift, the men often ate in the kitchen. Rather than working in the foundry, one would conclude that perhaps Rebecca was a cook rather than a manual laborer. Bill Kreiger)

1809 - Jessie Williams on payroll @ Joanna Furnace (married Hannah Barefoot) [Joanna Furnace Ledger index] {Reliability high.}

1809 - Bedford Co., James Barefoot, s/o Benjamin and Rebecca (Ross) Barefoot relocates from Berks Co. to Bedford Co. [Barefoot/Sleek Genealogy] {Reliability high.} (Could James have gone to Western Pennsylvania to try to find his father Benjamin Barefoot? Sylvia Sonneborn note)

1810 - St. Clair Twp., Bedford Co., James Barefoot, s/o Benjamin and Rebecca (Ross) Barefoot, marries Mary Sleek [Barefoot/Sleek Genealogy] {Reliability high, although unsure if church records support this.}

1810 - West Nantmell Twp., Chester Co., Samuel Barefoot in census; males - (1) 10-16, (2) 16-26, (1) 45 & up; females - (2) 16-26, (1) 45 & up [Census Records] {Reliability high.}

1810 - Caernarvon Twp., Berks Co., Rebecca Barefoot and most of the children in census; Males - (1) 10-16, (1) 16-26; Females - (1) 10-16, (1) female 26-45, (1) female over 45 [Census Records] {Reliability high.  SHOWS REBECCA AS HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD}

1812 - William Barefoot, s/o Benjamin and Rebecca Barefoot on roll of 5th Battalion, 1st Brigade, PA Militia [ PA Archives Vol 8, Series XI, p 68] {Reliability high}

1813-15 - Ruth Robinson Ross, Widow of James Ross and mother of Rebecca Ross, dies. 

1814 - Samuel Barefoot s/o Benjamin and Rebecca Barefoot dies at age 21; buried @ Leacock Presby Cemetery (Old Cemetery) [Barefoot/Sleek genealogy book] {Leacock Presby. Cemetery confirms details.}

1814 - William s/o Benjamin and Rebecca on roll of 5th Battalion, 1st Brigade, PA Militia [PA Archives] {Reliability high}

1818(ca) - William, s/o Benjamin and Rebecca, marries Mary Schaefer [no data on this entry; calculated from birth of first child]  {Woodlawn Cemetery records show Wm. & Mary as husband and wife.}

1818 - Rebecca is living in Leacock Twp., Lancaster Co., PA [Power of attorney - Rebecca to son William Barefoot regarding the division of brother William Ross’ estate] {Reliability high}

1819 - Ezibella (Isabella) Barefoot d/o Benjamin and Rebecca Barefoot marries Daniel Rutter of Leacock Twp., in Lancaster [Intelligencer & Weekly Advertizer, Lancaster PA] {Reliability high}

1820 - Caernarvon Twp., Berks Co. “Patty” Barefoot in census. [Census Records] {Appears in census with Frederick Groff household.  According to the will of John Morgan, daughter Hannah is married to Frederick Groff}

1820 - Leacock Twp., Lancaster Co., William Barefoot appears in census [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1820 - Leacock Twp., Lancaster co., Daniel and Isabella (Barefoot) Rutter appear on census, two doors down from brother William (above). [Census Records]  {Reliability high}

1825(ca) - Lancaster Co., Job Palmer Barefoot, s/o Benjamin & Rebecca Barefoot, marries Agnes McCaskey [Barefoot/Sleek Genealogy] {Reliability high}

1830 - St. Clair Twp., Bedford Co., James Barefoot and family appear in census [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1830 - Leacock Twp., Lancaster Co., Job Palmer Barefoot in census [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1830 - Leacock Twp., Lancaster Co., William Barefoot in census [Census Records] {Reliability high} 
[Census Records] {Reliability high}

1830 - Hocking Twp., Fairfield Co., OH, Daniel & Isabella (Barefoot) Rutter in census [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1839 – Oral family history says Benjamin dies. WHERE is not exactly known, although 1818 power of attorney implies his death occurred prior to 1818! [Barefoot-Sleek Genealogy; 1954 letter from G. Wood states LCHS told her Ben was buried in Leacock Twp. (BUT WHERE??)] {Reliability uncertain. OFH says he was travelling to Bedford to see son James when he died or was killed.}

1840 - St. Clair Twp., Bedford County, James Barefoot in census (without mother REBECCA Ross Barefoot) [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1840 - Leacock Twp., Lancaster Co., Job Palmer Barefoot in census [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1840 - Henderson Twp., Huntingdon Co., William Barefoot in census [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1840 - Bloom Twp., Fairfield Co., OH, Isabella (Barefoot) and Daniel Rutter in census [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1844 - James Barefoot, s/o Benjamin and Rebecca Barefoot dies [Bedford Co., Archives] {Reliability high (interment? supposedly Spring Meadow Quaker Cemetery, although no stone is there; however estate shows payout to Amos Penrose who was the gravedigger for Spring Meadow).}

1849 - Armaugh Twp., Mifflin Co., William Barefoot , s/o Benjamin and Rebecca Barefoot dies [Woodlawn Cemetery Records] {Reliability high}

1850 - Madison Twp., Franklin Co., OH, Isabella (Barefoot) and Daniel Rutter in census [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1850 - Caernarvon Twp., Berks Co., Martha Barefoot, age 70 in census (which one? - we know Martha “Patty” was living with Letitia Finger in 1858) [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1853 - Rebecca (Ross) Barefoot dies in St. Clair Twp., Bedford Co., PA [Tombstone in Spring Garden Quaker Cemetery; copy of death certificate listing Ruth Ross as her mother] {Reliability high}

1860 - Londonderry Twp., Chester Co., Job Palmer Barefoot in census [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1863 - Martha Barefoot (which one? who knows?) dies. (guess is that it is the mother of Cyrus b 1800) [Census Records] {Reliability high}

1865 - Martha “Patty” Barefoot dies, aged 90 years. [Lancaster Intelligencer] {Reliability high (need to see if further information is available)}

1868 - Chester Co., PA, Job Palmer Barefoot, s/o Benjamin and Rebecca Barefoot dies [Annals of Conestoga Valley (Tri County Heritage Society has her tombstone from when her grave was relocated so they could build on to the church)] {Reliability high.  Tombstone states “age 90 years 1775-1865” }

1873 - Hancock Co., OH, Isabella Barefoot Rutter, d/o Benjamin and Rebecca Barefoot, dies. [Burson (Castor) Cemetery, Delaware Twp., Hancock Co., OH] {Reliability high}

Thank you to Sharon Sheldon for sharing this timeline.

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