Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I recently began to post tributes to some of the deceased members of our clan and would encourage you to do the same. Here is Mary Barefoot posted by another person. I really like this site and hope that you will use it to place permanent memorials on the web for our beloved ancestors. Go to Click on “Search 82 Million Grave Records” and fill in the template. I search for women by both maiden and married names. To find all Barefoots, just type in the last name and search. Stay away from most North Carolina Barefoots as there is no proven relationship between the two families.

Here is a sample of the tribute done to one of our earliest ancestors, Mary “Polly” Sleek/Slick Barefoot. The photo of Mary is an 8 ½ X 11 inch photo that my Grandmother Ella (Hammer) Krise had in her possession, and it was passed onto me by my mother. What was added to the tribute is the tombstone of Mary Barefoot. This is what you need to make the tribute – a picture of the tombstone and/or the name of the cemetery. Adding biography and photos as well as BMD dates helps to leave a lasting legacy for your loved deceased ancestor.  So here is the tribute:


Birth: Oct. 11, 1791
Frederick County
Maryland, USA
Death: Jul. 28, 1885
Alum Bank
Bedford County
Pennsylvania, USA

OBITUARY:  Death of Mrs. Mary Barefoot, One of Bedford County's Oldest Inhabitants (1791-1885)

Mrs. Mary Barefoot was born in Frederick Co., Maryland, Oct. 11, 1791. died July 28, 1885. Age 93 years 9 months and 17 days. She lived a faithful life and was a member of the Evangelical Church. She died in the house that she helped to build sixty-eight years ago. She was the mother of twelve children, five sons and seven daughters, two of them having preceded her to the other shore and she lived long enough to see the fifth generation of her descendants.
The number of her grand-children living is seventy-two, dead eighteen. Number great grand-children living, one hundred and sixty-five, dead. nineteen. Number of great-great grand-children living ten, dead, two.
Total number of descendants two hundred and ninety-eight, of whom two hundred and fifty-seven are living.
Mrs. Barefoot, in her younger days, was the Doctor for this neighborhood. When no Doctors were to be had within ten miles of this place she was called upon. She was considered at that day by our best physicians to be a woman of great knowledge and skill among the sick.
The record that she kept shows that she was called to see the sick over five hundred times; her mind was clear and active until the last moment of her life and she could remember her whole life from her childhood up to her death.
She was a grand old woman, and the full measure of her life was rounded out to perfection.
The funeral sermon was preached in the Reformed church in Pleasantville by the Rev. E. F. Dickey, of the Evangelical church and assisted by the Rev. R. S. Stine of the M. E. church. It was one of the largest funerals that was ever in Pleasantville. (Pennsylvania)
We extend our sympathy to the friends of one kind mother and friends.
0 Land of rest for thee I sigh:
When will the moment come.
When I shall lay my armor by
And dwell in peace at home.
In her younger days she was the doctor for the Pleasantville neighborhood. She was considered at that day by our best physicians to be a woman of great knowledge and skill among the sick. The record that she kept shows that she was called to see the sick over 500 times. Her mind was clear and active until the last moment of her life, and she could remember her whole life from her childhood up to her death. Died 83 years, 9 months, 17 days. The funeral sermon was preached in the Reformed Church in Pleasantville, Bedford County, PA. by the Reverend E. F. Dickey of the Evangelical Church. It was one of the largest funerals that was ever in Pleasantville. When she died she had 298 descendants.
Taken from her obituary.
!Obituary in my possession. Sylvia H. Sonneborn (Information from my blog)
Family links:

James Barefoot (1788 - 1844)
Rebecca Barefoot Moore (1811 - 1884)*
Elizabeth Hammer (1813 - 1889)*
Sarah Bertha Barefoot Reininger (1814 - 1886)*
William Shurden Barefoot (1817 - 1887)*
Isabella Barefoot Taylor (1819 - 1902)*
James Barefoot (1821 - 1897)*
Mary Jane Barefoot Stanton (1823 - 1912)*
Margaret Barefoot Bowers (1826 - 1907)*
Samuel Barefoot (1827 - 1914)*
Job Barefoot (1829 - 1915)*
Charlotte Barefoot (1831 - 1903)*
George W Barefoot (1834 - 1898)*


Barefoot, Mary (Slick), d. Jul 28, 1885, Aged 90 yrs, 9 mos, 17 d, Wife of James Barefoot.
Pleasantville Cemetery
Alum Bank
Bedford County
Pennsylvania, USA
Plot: 202 C
Created by: Amanda Smith
Record added: Mar 18, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 49915572
Cemetery Photo
Added by: Kat
From Sylvia con’t. Note that there are hyperlinks on FindaGrave that will take you to other tributes of her children. You can add photos even if you are not the author of the tribute, but you cannot alter the biography. If you want to add any biography or corrections to the tribute, you can send the information to the author, who may or may not make the change. I did tell the authors of the trubutes that the comments about our Barefoots being of the line of Colonel George Ross are incorrect, but so far, there has been no updating on the tributes.

If you have never used this site, I would like to make you aware of it because it has a lot of good information. Also, if someone has done one of your close relatives, you can ask to be the owner of that tribute. Sometimes the person will transfer it to you. [This entry has been printed with permission from Amanda Smith.  Originally she used information from this blog and has given credit for it.]

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